
Live your style.


MiraiMart is our virtual storefront for official Studio Mirai merchandise, inspired by the Japanese convenience store chain FamilyMart. The shopping experience at MiraiMart is designed to be unique for each item sold.

For instance, purchasing physical apparel may be facilitated through a Shopify store, while buying a booster pack could take place on a custom dApp interface that integrates with the Sui Network. Alternatively, users could claim or purchase Enforcer Machin traits with $KOTO. Regardless of the item, all transactions occur at MiraiMart.

Our next big MiraiMart release is the SEASON 1 DROP which features multiple designs of merchandise from our story, community and collaborations. You can find updates regarding the drop in our MiraiMart channel.

Wen Drop?

SEASON 1 is scheduled to launch in Q3 of 2023.

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